Change Member Data

Membership Data Update Form

You do not need to complete the entire form below. Only enter data in those fields where you need to replace the data we already have on file for you. Email is required if you wish to receive a confirmation of your changes.
It is most helpful if you can include your AHLOA Member ID from the first field at the top of your personal renewal form in the field below. It helps us locate your records more quickly.
Please enter your first name, your spouse's first name (if applicable), and your last name.

Please add any other party with a different last name, an LLC, trust, or any other legal entity associated with your Avalon property.

Next enter your permanent home address (used for USPS mailing of any AHLOA-related material like renewals and newsletters).
Please enter one or two e-mail addresses we may use for Newsletters and other routine correspondence or notices. If you wish to receive a confirmation of this membership data change, please include the first email.

Next enter one or two phone numbers where we may be able to reach you if you have a question or issue and we need to speak to you.
Next enter your Avalon street address(es). "Avalon, NJ 08202" not required.

Next please check whether we can send you monthly newsletters via e-mail or quarterly newsletters via US Postal Service. Renewal letters are always sent USPS.
Next enter whether you wish to mail a check or pay on-line via credit or debit card. You will choose a term / amount after pressing "Submit".

Questions? Need more?

Complete the information below and we will get back to you ASAP.