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Borough Council: March 27

Council held the regularly scheduled sessions on Wednesday, March 27, 2024. The following issues of interest were addressed:

  1. Monica Coskey, President of Seven Mile Publishing, addressed Council to describe provisions of the annual contract for services to the Borough.  The contract, in the amount of $39,961. will continue the services provided last year plus an additional focus on educating the public on irrigation issues and water conservation.  She also advised the annual guide is expected before Easter Weekend.

    2.  Borough Administrator Scott Wahl and Tom Thornton of Mott Mc. Donald discussed the improvement/replacement of bulkheads in the vicinity of 2928 Ocean Drive.  The condo at that address is in the process of replacing an existing bulkhead.  The Borough wants to coordinate the reconstruction of a parallel bulkhead, which is the Borough's responsibility, even if they use a separate contractor.

    3.  Collier's Engineering and Design has submitted their report of the study of the B-1 Business District/Boutique Hotel.  The study does not make specific recommendations but provides a full analysis of considerations for constructing a boutique hotel.  The full report can be found on the Borough's website at this link.

    4. The Recreation Department has requested a change order to provide an additional $12,700 to construct a green chain link fence in the vicinity of the new tennis court at the 8th Street complex.

    5.  During the pandemic the Borough was able to expand outdoor dining in Avalon.  This has proven popular, but authorization will expire at the end of 2024.  Council approved an ordinance (874-2024) to amend Chapter 26 of the Borough Code to allow outdoor dining for food service establishments within the Borough subject to obtaining an outdoor dining permit.