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Borough Council: August 28

Avalon Borough Council met for their regularly scheduled meeting on August 28, 2024.  The following issues of general interest were addressed at the meeting:

  1. A resolution approving a handicapped parking space at 2419 Harbor Avenue was approved on the recommendation of the Police Department after confirming that required conditions were met.

  2. Two bids for the Bay Park Marina Project were received.  The bid in the amount of $8.68 million from Shavone Construction of Ocean City was accepted.

  3. Mike Garvin of Ford Scott Associates gave a comprehensive report on the annual audit of Borough finances.  It included reports of debt service and capital including water and sewer funds.  A complete report can be found on the Borough's website in the archived video of the Council Meeting.

  4. Property owners Martha Wright and Kevin (no last name provided) addressed Council about contents of a proposed resolution and slip assignments in the Avalon Fishing Center.  These issues have been addressed at prior meetings.