Borough Council: September 27

Council held the regularly scheduled sessions on Wednesday, September 27, 2023. The following issues of interest were addressed:

  1. Scott Taylor of the Taylor Design Group gave a presentation on the bidding process for maintenance of Borough-owned ground services contract.  This includes maintenance of Dune Drive islands as well as other Borough properties.

  2. October 6, 2023 has been designated as Knock Out Opioid Abuse Day.

  3. There was a discussion of potential amendments to Ordinance No 809-2020 establishing a procedure for release and discharge of certain deed restrictions.  This applies to restrictions that courts have decided are not enforceable.

  4. A handicapped parking space will be provided for the property at 401 22nd Street.

  5. Police Chief Jeffry Christopher announced that the Avalon Police Color Guard would present the Colors at the November 11th Flyers game in Philadelphia.  This is Veterans Day

  6. Chief Christopher also briefed Council on the Department’s participation in the Hero Program to prevent DUI.  The program is in memory of John R. Elliot who was killed by a drunken driver in 2000.  An Avalon Police vehicle will be outfitted with signage promoting prevention of Drunk Driving.