Thank You to All Who Made Community Connections a Success!

On Saturday morning June 22, AHLOA hosted our annual Community Connections event, this year on the 4th Saturday of the inaugural Spring Into Summer program.  This annual AHLOA event provides  a friendly and casual forum to get to know 30+ local non-profit and municipal organizations serving our community.

In addition, our keynote speaker was Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director of The Wetlands Institute. She described new research projects to address the depletion of the tidal marshes. She explained that our coastal marshes, which host a variety of wildlife and are nursery grounds for fish, birds and plants alike, are starting to drown because of rising sea levels.

Since 2008, sea level measured on the 96th Street Bridge has risen nearly 4 inches – a significant increase in terms of the wetlands’ natural ability to cope and adapt. This influx affects the delicate environmental balance of the marshes and is turning portions of our marshes into barren mudflats.

To address and combat this trend, scientists from The Wetlands Institute are partnering with the US Army Corps of Engineers, the State of New Jersey, and five universities to advance and improve dredging and marsh restoration techniques.

We are grateful for Dr. Tedesco’s attendance and her presentation, which can be viewed here:

Dr. Lenore Tedesco, Executive Director of The Wetlands Institute

Annie Ulichney (left) and Lenore Tedesco (right) from the Wetlands Institute

Also, we sincerely thank the Borough Council members who attended along with the many community representatives from Avalon Library and History Center; the Avalon Chamber of Commerce & 7 Mile Business Community Association; the Avalon Garden Club; the Environmental Commission; Helen Diller Home for the Blind; Cape Regional Health; several churches; wellness groups; political organizations; and many Borough departments including Public Works, Code Enforcement, Recreation Department as well as Avalon Police, Rescue Squad, Fire and Beach Patrol.

Tony Newshel, AHLOA President

Left-to-right: Jamie McDermott (Borough Council President); Councilman Chet Johnson; Councilwoman Mari Coskey; Lenore Tedesco; Tony Newshel; Councilwoman Barbara Juzaitis; Borough Administrator Scott Wahl