Construction Ordinance Progress Report

We’re pleased to provide this e-mail update received from Scott Wahl, Public Information Officer — a progress report on the changes to the Borough’s construction ordinance.  The on-going healthy dialogue between Borough officials and AHLOA helps develop and foster a positive relationship between builders and the overall Avalon community.  We’re happy to serve as an important communication and action link in this process.

Please read Scott’s email below.  We thank Scott for his time and continual support to the AHLOA members. 


Hi, Jack:

I wanted to let you know that the Borough’s third Stop Work Order on construction sites was issued this morning.  All three of these have been for no safety fence around a pool.  Per the ordinance, any threat to public safety results in an automatic stop work order. 

 The good news to extrapolate from this, is this:  We have had to issue zero stop work orders for repetitive violations at the same job site in 2019, which was a big problem last summer.  That means contractors got the word about how serious we are with the new ordinance, and largely in compliance.  The proactive code enforcement created by the Mayor last July is also a big reason for compliance as we have staff out one hour prior through one hour after allowable construction hours.  The Borough is very visible and responsive.

 As always, the monthly Code Enforcement report with the warnings, summons, break out of violations is posted by me on the Borough website.

 Our internal team has compiled a list of minor tweaks to the ordinance that are needed, and we will meet in September to talk about potential tweaks.  As of this writing, there is nothing overly substantive, largely clarifications, one of them deal with pile driving.

 Thanks, I believe the Mayor will touch on this during his presentation Saturday.  Thanks for all you do for AHLOA and for the Borough.

 Scott J. Wahl
Business Administrator
Public Information Officer
Borough of Avalon
