Council was briefed by Chuck McDonnell, Avalon's Recreation Director; about programs and camps for the 2021 Summer Season. It was noted that last summer was heavily impacted by COVID Pandemic issues which limited programs to those that were conducted outdoors.
Preparations are being made for a full schedule of both indoor and outdoor programs for the Summer of 2021. However, it is recognized that pandemic restrictions may still apply and final decisions may not be made until closer to the Summer.
Mr. McDonnell also briefed Council on rules and regulations for pickle ball and tennis, with plans in place for making full use of Avalon's facilities.
There was a discussion about the protected beaches for the coming season and beyond. It was noted that surfing and paddle boarding interests are increasing and the Borough is examining possibilities for reserving more beaches for this activity in the future.
The Beach Patrol is giving consideration to providing protection in the Bay Park Marina area with the primary focus being on the Kayak Park where there is considerable activity throughout the Summer..
The Public Works Department sought Council's approving for auctioning Borough equipment that is no longer used. These include items such as vehicles and photocopiers.
Amendments to the Borough Code are being considered to fully implement the organizational changes to the Beach Patrol. These will reflect the recent changes in leadership and identify specific areas of responsibility.
Business Administrator Scott Wahl reported that as of the Council's meeting time 9,284 doses of vaccine had been administered at the Community Hall. These were for the County's Health Care Workers and First Responders.
The Borough has received some quotes for expanding access to Council Meetings to include full audio/visual features and will continue efforts toward implementation in the future.
The Borough has been in touch with the office of Senator Corey Booker about the planned hydraulic beach fill scheduled for 2022 and has received positive feedback and support..