At the May 26th Council Meeting the following actions were taken:
A resolution was approved for bonus payments for eligible members of the Avalon Beach Patrol and Beach Tag Inspectors.
Introduction and first reading amending Chapter 26 (Subdivision and Site Plan and Chapter 27 (Zoning) to align definitions.
Introduction and first reading pertaining to the sale of marijuana and declaring the sale to be prohibited within all zoning districts, readopting the ordinance passed in 2019. This ordinance is now sent to the Planning and Zoning Board for action at their meeting on June 8th.
Passed on second reading of the ordinance on salaries pertaining to the Avalon Beach Patrol and Construction Code Enforcement.
A presentation was made by DCO Energy regarding the Energy Savings Implementation Plan for the Borough. The program focuses on conducting a detailed Energy audit of the Borough and identify opportunities. The program launched by the State of New Jersey in 2009, is self-funded with no taxpayer cost.
A presentation by Chief Christopher was made concerning cannabis and the New Jersey Smoke Free Air Act. Specifics of the presentation can be found on the borough website (Q&A).
General discussion by Council:
A lengthy discussion was held on how to implement the Smoke Free Air Act. This discussion centered on where ALL smoking (of any type) would be banned in public spaces. An ordinance will be developed, and the plan is to have first reading at the June 9th Council Meeting and passage at the June 24th Council Meeting. Areas that may or may not be included in the public spaces where ALL smoking would be banned include the boardwalk, sidewalks, recreational fields, playgrounds, marinas, and Borough vehicles. This is not an exhaustive or all-inclusive list.
An update was provided on the completed work with the beach back-passing project and the dredging of Princeton Harbor.
Mott-McDonald reviewed potential bulkhead projects (winter 2022) for 23rd, 29th, 33rd, and 34th at Ocean Drive. Improvements of the bulkheads at 23rd, 33rd and 34th, and a new bulkhead at 29th will reduce flooding.
Scott Wahl reviewed plans for July 4th that included fireworks and a contract for Council to approve with the Bay Atlantic Symphony for an outdoor concert at Surfside Park.