Borough Council: May 8

Council held the regularly scheduled sessions on Wednesday, May 8, 2024. The following issues of interest were addressed:

  1. In support of Cape Assist, Council discussed the designation of May 2024 as Mental Health Awareness Month and the week of May 13 to 19 as Mental Health Awareness Week.  Council Member Barbara Juzaitis was instrumental in bringing this to the Council's attention.

  2. Police Chief Jeffrey Christopher advised Council of the appointment of a Special Class I Officer.

  3. Business Administrator Scott Wahl thanked Chief Christopher for the security training provided to Borough officials during the past week.  This training will continue.

  4. It was announced that the three new tennis courts at the 8th Street Complex are completed and open for business.

  5. Turtle barriers are again being installed along Avalon Boulevard to protect turtles during the summer mating season.  Avalon is paying for the area of the Boulevard that belongs to Avalon, with the remainder paid for by the County.

  6. Avalon Property Owners Martha Wright and Elaine Scattergood again addressed Council about their concerns with the violations of dune maintenance on a property that has been cited over the past several months for violations and required corrections.